Saturday, February 19, 2011

Not sleeping well? It's your gear!

Amplify’d from

Mike Elgan: Why gadget lights are dangerous

Device makers put lights on everything. Yes, the lights are annoying, but they can also wreck your health.

Computerworld - When I turn off my bedroom light at night, the room is still lit up like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. No, I'm not some sci-fi fanboy, just a gadget-happy materialist.

Lights on during sleep harms health

New science has shed light on various health effects of sleeping in a room that isn't dark.

Lights at night can make you depressed and fat. An Ohio State University experiment on mice led researchers to conclude that even dim light in a room during sleep may cause depression. In a different study, Ohio State researchers found that sleeping in a dimly lighted room increases the amount of hunger experienced during the day, which can contribute to weight gain and possibly susceptibility to diabetes.

Sleeping in a room with dim lights increases a woman's chance of getting breast cancer, according to research conducted at the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The reason is that the body produces a cancer-fighting hormone called melatonin at night during sleep. But this process is interrupted if the room isn't dark.


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