Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't want my money?

  Anne spent over an hour on the phone today trying to give money to Renown/HHP. But, they didn't know what to do with that! Here's the background: Anne went to the doctor, as she's been doing quite frequently these days, and paid her co-pay as usual. What wasn't usual is that she didn't check the reciept, which she usually does. (I blame "chemo brain")   Well, it seems that she was charged significanly less than she should have been. In fact, she was billed for someone else's visit and didn't notice! When she was going over the bills last weekend she discovered their error and, being the right thing to do, she called to try and straighten this out.   Needless to say, nobody on the other end of the phone knew what to do. They kept taking down the information and transferring her to another department. No matter how many times she explained that she just wanted to pay what whe was supposed to, she was met with a disinclination to take her payment.   Personally, I think that once it's in the computer it becomes reality to all concerned and there's just no way to convince them that it's incorrect! I just imagine that the other patient is calling in trying to get credit for being over-charged that day.   Movies tonight: Overboard (Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn) and Silver Streak (Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor). Both very funny, especially the character Goldie plays. What a gold-plated snob and some of the looks that she and Kurt give each other are classic! (you do know they're a couple in real life) I bet they had a blast making that one. Silver Streak is my new favorite Wilder/Pryor movie of all time. Although it takes half the move before Richard shows up, it's well worth the wait!   Laughter is the second best medicine; love of a good friend is #1. Don and Anne


Want to good laugh? Check out these wild conspiracy theories:
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

Monday, August 30, 2010

Big tanks!

Thank you, Posterous, for finally taming all my blog-dom!
You guys are the greatest!

Posted via email from Don Peer


  Anne did good today. We didn't sleep in, so I fixed us a "1-skillet" breakfast this morning of diced potatoes, baby bell peppers, onions and fresh yellow squash (from Tom's garden!) with scrambled eggs. Topped this with Tillamook, a slathering of salsa and it fills you up for most of the day!   Then Anne started making her famous cauliflower salad and afterwards puttered around the house watering the jungle. She calls her plants "babies" and they get thirsty by Sunday, when she gives them all a drink, cutting their hair and talking to them as she goes. I'm sure they love her in their own way because every one of them grows like crazy!   I caught up on my email and finished setting up my pedal board while she was busy. Then I moved the drum kit out of the library for Richard, my drummer in the Dave's Garage band, who joined us today for our acoustic jam session. It sure was nice to have a steady beat to follow!   When the guys started showing up, Anne went to lay down for a nap. She kicked Lady out of the bedroom and, surprisingly, the dog curled up next to Richard and went to sleep. With all that noise! What a crazy animal. Hahaha... Next time I'll take a picture for you!   3:30 - Putting the house back in order and starting lunch before Anne woke up was my next priority. Not too hungry (told you so) as I made Sloppy Joes and set the table with kettle-cooked potatoe chips and a side of the salad that she had made. Right on time, too, as she woke to the smell of food cooking. A biscuit for Lady and we sat down to eat. Yum!   Then she went over the bills as I did updates on the computers. The main one is installing the Skype beta for multiple video chats. If you use Skype, you can find this on the Get Skype > Get Skype For Windows > Windows (Beta) page. Just download Skype Beta 5.0 for Windows and it will install and configure with your current contacts.   Later we had a cup of hot Chai tea, because it'd been overcast and sprinkling all day. Then Anne watched some TV while I edited our web site and went over some new songs for Friday night. Afterwards, we flushed her and tucked her into bed. She and Lady are sound asleep as I write this. What a pair!   May your peace and love increase, flowing out to those you care for! Don and Anne     ---
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Winning streak

  We got up early today to catch the soccer games that started at 9:00. I took the new Sport Umbrella and was glad that it had tie-downs, as the wind was blowing during the first game and didn't let up until late in the afternoon.   But that doesn't deter the cheering section (families) at these events. There was one lady at James' game that must be an ex-cheerleader (or on "happy pills") who was screaming & yelling and bouncing up & down at every little thing. Now, we cheer both sides for doing well, but this girl was just beside herself! Almost as much fun watching her as the game. Silly girl.   But, Logan and James stayed focused and both won their games today! Yippee!   After all that excitement it was time to relax with some grocery shopping at Costco and underwear from J.C. Penny's. That's right... they still wear out after the kids leave home. (and I thought it was because they were being "borrowed"! Hahaha...)   A nice nap and them some Skype between Anne, Jim and Cheeze. We tried MeBeam in order to get multiple video feeds, but this didn't seem to work. I've heard that Skype is beta testing up to 5-person video calls, but I have yet to see it. Even so, once it's out of beta, they're going to be charging for the service.   Movie tonight: Hairspray. Anne watched this while I busied myself with assembling my guitar pedals on a new powered board. There was so much laughter coming from her office that I had to keep going to check on her. Frankly, I just didn't get what was so comical, but Anne was having a laugh riot in there!   Keep them thoughts and prayers coming; they're working their magic on Anne! Don and Anne     ---
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Anne spent four hours at school today trying to help get things started. She wasn't in any way ready for this and when she came home she just crashed into the bed and stayed there until I got home. When I asked her why she'd done that I found out that her principal is trying to change the ESL teaching cirriculum and if she doesn't fight for her students nobody will.

Apparently, he wants to take the core reading program away from the classroom teachers and have Anne, her substitute, and her assistant teach it instead. This has her so upset that when I called to say I was on the way home she started telling me all about it. Usually, it's just "I'm on my way" and "See you in a few", but she was really wound up today.

When I got home we went up the street to get some dinner and she explained how several teachers are not happy about this and that he is not only going against the district, but against NCLB and that it would probably have a negative effect on the ESL scores and the school's annual "Adequate Yearly Progress" results.

After we got home, she wrote a letter and reiterated all the problems with his plan and then, after she had laid it all out, Anne was FINALLY able to settle down. We had some iced Chai, she played a little solitaire and I flushed her PICC lines before she went to bed for the night.

Somebody say a prayer for that man,
Don and Anne


My opinion (not Anne's): I'm wondering if anyone at the "Green house" has noticed how his little plan is going to leave all the ESL students out (which he doesn't seem to care about). This is going to cause some real problems with the Feds when they find out that her mandate to provide ESL services to these students isn't being met. And, since he wants out of the school, perhaps he has ulterior motives.

Just wondering aloud...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Artistic night

Anne was tired today and after dinner she laid down for a "power nap." This is something that we learned happens in company executive offices and is a great way to quickly re-energize. 20-30 minutes (longer if you can get it) puts some juice in the batteries and carries your through the afternoon.

In this case, it was an art show we attended. The artist is a friend of ours named Gilbert Leiker. This was a showing of his black & white, mostly pen on paper work, although there was an interesting canvas piece and a torso in the the corner. All of it tied together by a common story line which he created having to do with the supreme commander of space. Very far out, if you'll excuse the old-school colloquialism.

There was, also, some musicians with interesting (in one case, homemade) instruments. What little we heard was very avant garde, but we had to go as the volume was more than Anne could handle. Something else that the chemo has put askew!

After that we just came home and spent some quiet time before hitting the sack so, no movie tonight.

Mucho bless-o!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take me out to the ball game

Last night Anne and I went to see the Aces play the Rainiers. We left late and ended up parking at the Eldorado. So, since we needed to eat something, we went to the buffet (we love their mushroom raviolis) and then had a nice walk to the park.

When we got there the score was 6-3 Rainiers, but that didn't last. We scored 4 runs the next inning and held them to no more runs! Woo-hoo! Jelato for everyone! Final score: 7-6 Reno Aces.

Anne had a rough night last night. Her stomach was "rolly-polly" and she kept having to get up in the night. By morning I just couldn't drag myself out of the sack, and so I called work and said I'd be in after lunch. Then we went back to sleep, not waking again until 10:30.

Tonight when Anne layed down after dinner I went to send her update out. But, when my snoring woke me I joined her in bed. It felt so good to just close my eyes that I didn't even notice Lady had jumped up on the bed. Around 9:00 Anne woke me and we had some iced Chai, ran the "red bug" for Lady and ate some ice cream. Beautiful.

The movie tonight: See No Evil, Hear No Evil. This is an hugely funny movie and one of Anne's favorites. The original blind-man-driving scene in this pre-dates Scent Of A Woman. The fight scenes are funny, but my favorite is when they first meet! Great dialog throughout.

Buckets of blessing on you and yours,
Don and Anne

I'm 3-0 at the Aces games now, so my friend might be right!
When I'm there, they win! hahaha...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lazy day, Monday afternoon

... or was it Sunday?

Since i already wrote about Sunday, this will be a short note for Monday.

The alarm went off too early this morning. I've been late to work every day for a week and wanted to get out of the house on time today. So... no "snooze" this morning. Get up at the first sounding and hit the bathroom. Left the house 5 minutes earlier that I had been. Damn. Just made it to work on time.

Note to self: try again tomorrow.

Anne had an easy day today. Read, nap, read some more. Joyce and Jennifer took her to dinner (thanks, ladies) while I joined Bob at the baseball game. Bob gave me two tickets for tomorrow and Anne will be joining me then.

Long weekend; long day. Good night; God stay,
Don and Anne

Weekend report

We are proud to bring you this latest update: Anne's condition is holding steady. She's had no pain or nausea to speak of since last Wednesday!

Yesterday, we got up early to be ready for Josh when he arrived. He was coming by for breakfast (fresh Belgium waffles) on his way back to L.A. and the end of his vacation. Shortly after he left the doorbell rang. It was La-Z-Boy with the last of our livingroom furniture! In moments, two "Recline-Away" chairs were positioned were the old couch had been. But, things weren't perfect.

After the delivery guys left, we shifted the couch down to the corner of the wall. Then, we centered the rug and coffee table in front of it. This moved the center of the room towards the fireplace and television, giving more room for the two new chairs. Which, with the couch and swivel recliner, means that we can seat 6-7 people comfortably around the living room. This will come in handy when family is here and we're all up 'till midnight shooting the bull!

Girlfriend took a short nap before we headed out for Logan's soccer game. The wind was up and when we arrived, Heather and Justus weren't using the umbrella because they were afraid it'd get blown away or damaged. This left Anne unprotected and her doctor had warned her to keep exposure to a minimum.

So, when I spotted some people putting up an umbrella-type of canopy that was nailed to the ground I inquired as to where they'd purchased it. I'd seen them in the Hammacher Schlemer catalog, but they were very expensive (of course). Well, it seems that Costco had them and, according to one lady, were very low on stock. She said they were only $40.00, if they still had any.

Needless to say, I headed right over there and returned with one ASAP! These things are great and easy to set up. Within moments, I had Anne sheltered with little James playing behind her as he thought it was his personal hiding place! But, as fate would have it, a bolt of lightning hit the hill East of the fields and ended the games for the day.

Home for a late lunch and another nap. Then over to Craig's for his annual summer party. (Larry, the lead guitarist in our Friday night garage band, plays with Craig, also. Were we play late 60's to early 80's Rock, Craig's band is firmly rooted in the 60's.) When we arrived the music was just starting. An evening of live Rock and Pop music with plenty of good people, find food and a baby pool full of drinks.

The Rock-N-Roll carried us until 10pm and the crowd dispersed. After packing up the equipment Larry and I broke out the acoustics with Craig on harmonica. Vince (their lead singer) and Larry sharing lead vocals while Craig and I came in with harmony. After I struggled with a couple of tunes (they love the Beatles; I love the Blues), Craig wanted to play my Gitane guitar. (it's a replica of the Selmer/Maccaferri that Django Reinhardt played) So a few more tunes with he and Larry trading leads before we realized it was nearly 11:30 and we headed home. A good time was had by all!

Today we slept in until almost 8 and after breakfast I mowed the lawn followed by the long awaited tear-down of the dinning room network computers. When Joe and Walt came over to play some music, Anne retired to her office to do the bills. Later she'd say that that made her happy because we could cover them all! Joe usually plays harmonica, but stuck mostly to my Gitane letting Walt carry the harp solos.

After things broke up, Anne and I went to fetch the Reno newspaper because Dolores had told her that a neighbor's cancer survivor story was being carried. I think I've mentioned before how she loves to hear stories of others who've fought off cancer. It keeps her mind positive and this, as you know, has a beneficial effect on her overall well being.

  Combine her great attitude with the love and support that everyone is sending her way and there's just no way that she won't beat this thing!
  Bless you and yours,
Don and Anne

See the umbrella:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chain, chain, chain

Anne had a good day today. Nothing to upset the apple cart, so to speak. She enjoyed a veritable daisy chain of phone calls from friends and family. She did get a bit tired and took a nap, missing a call from Jim. But, that's life in the fast lane for Anne these days.

Also, she went to lunch at the Olive Garden with some friends and brought home leftover pasta w/ mushrooms. It made a convenient dinner, especially since she was still on the phone when I got home! My, but that woman loves a good chat!

After dinner she checked her school email and then we had some iced Chai Tea and a Choco Taco out on the back patio. It was a bit cool in the house, so I took an acoustic and strummed a bit in the warm summer evening. We talked until dark and I played her a melody that I wrote for her, making us both cry.

Do something special for your loved ones and tell them how you feel.

We certainly love you and appreciate all you've done for us,

Don and Anne

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Laid back

Anne had a very smooth day today. She lounged around the house; read some of her book; took a nap (or two) and there was no pain or nausea to ruin it! Got to enjoy it while you can, these days.

I've received confirmation from Cheez and Dan that they've booked their flight to come and see Anne on October 16th. The price looks good for traveling 3/4 the way across the country! But, that's one of the benifits of getting them well in advance. We're looking forward to seeing them!

No movie tonight as I finished up getting the computers ready for Anne's online class.

Peace, Love, Happiness to you all!

Don and Anne

Monday, August 16, 2010

There and back

Lujean and her children took Anne to the back doctor. Anne was very impressed with how quietly they sat there drawing and reading! The doctor said that the injections shouldn't be causing the pain she's been experiencing. He did an X-ray to see if she had a fracture, but she does not. He ordered an MRI to get a better view of what might be going on with her lower back.

Then they went to the infusion center for her injection, dressing change and PICC line flush. When she came out, the kids were all excited about all the different art work in the cancer center. There's one lady who does pictures of flower, but she actually uses her body in a time-delayed photograph. When you first look at the image you see the flowers, but as you look closer you see that it's actually her hands or arms, etc.

For lunch Anne took them all to Port-Of-Subs, which the children love. Then Lujean brought Anne home where she and Lady took a nap. (anyone see a pattern here? LOL)

She received a call from her sub, who is a retired ESL teacher. This made Anne very happy, knowing that a specialist was going to be her replacement.

Then, while Anne was doing her school email tonight, we got a delivery: a beautiful bouquet of Chrysanthemums from her friend, Marge, with a nice card! Marge is the favorite substitute teacher at Lena Juniper and would have been a shoe-in for Anne's replacement. But, since this is a long term sub (up to February), the ESL office and the principal chose not to use her. But, instead, sent a teacher with ESL experience and who was up on their requirements for NCLB.

The movie tonight: wedding pictures on DVD from Ben and Tatiana's wedding at Oheka Castle on Long Island.

Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
- Don Peer ( o)==#

That's more like it

Yesterday Anne was feeling better. After her injection we came home so she could take a nap. Then we headed out to see Logan's soccer game and James' game. Afterwards, we went to Costco for some bread, asparagus and to gas up my car. Ten gallons even with 333 miles. Not the best milage I've gotten in my Saturn, but still respectable for an '02 model. Then, lunch at Q'doba and home for another nap.

As Anne slept, I set up the computers that she's going to need for training. She and two friends will be taking an online class this Wednesday for ESL, so I converted the dining room table into a small network of computers and displays, attaching them to the internet. But, upon boot I was reminded that they'd been wiped in preparation for a garage sale I'd planned on before Anne got sick.

Speaking of sick, her nausea returned this afternoon. Mostly driven by the spices in our lunch. She loves all these different foods from around the world, but the chemo has changed how her stomach reacts. As much as she loves Q'doba, it didn't sit well with her.

The movie for Saturday was Mel Brook's Blazing Saddles. I'd forgotten how non-PC the comedy was in this one. I just about busted a gut! Mel has always crowded that line and even made fun of his own people (check out the wagon train scene). Truly irreverent humor!

Today, we took it easy and just lounged around the house. A light breakfast before heading to the clinic for Anne's fourth injection. In the past there have been five injections after the "big" infustion, but she's scheduled this cycle for six. The nurses don't know why, but Anne intends to find out tomorrow.

Shane came over afterwards, wanting me to continue teaching him Every Rose Has Its Thorn. I showed him two new chords and he practiced them a bit before asking for some time on the drums. Kids. They all seem to be ADD.

Walt, also, came by later. He loves to play the old tunes on his harmonicas. I followed along with guitar until I got left behind. Then switched to tambourine and djembe (Africa), which had been given to me by my Son. Walt got a kick out of that because he'd never played any percussion instruments, even though he used to be a drummer. He thought it was a tabla (India).

No movie to tonight, as Anne watched three hours of Law & Order. I sat in on some, just to watch Jeff Goldblum work. Then, I continued with the PCs for Wednesday; one of which has a bad hard disk drive that I'm trying to salvage.

God bless and keep you (and your PC!)
Don and Anne

Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
- Don Peer ( o)==#

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another chain-email...

Great. More hate and discontent? What this world needs is more love! How can we teach what we have yet to master?

Forwarding chain-mail that contains inaccuracies only perpetuates the lies and fuels the fires of prejudice. Did you know they haven't even started construction yet, so how could they build a 5 story stucture in less than a month? Also, this mosque is not being built on Ground Zero. It's at an old Burlington Coat Factory site... five blocks away. Five NEW YORK blocks. I've been to New York to visit Ground Zero and five blocks is like half a mile!

Do you know that there are millions of Muslims that are as horrified at what happened to the World Trade Center as we are? They want desparately to heal the wounds these damned Jihadists caused, not only to us but to all of their people, too!

Heck, Americans have their wild dogs, also. When some Christian radical kills innocent people it is NOT the doing of the Christian religion, is it? Klan members believe they're doing God's work, but I don't know anybody that agrees with them!

Come on! Where has the compassion for our fellow man gone? Are we going to let the hate-mongers and talking heads do all of our thinking for us? Listen to your heart and ignore clenched fists and gritting teeth out there. The world is full of good people. Don't let a few bad apples dictate to you who or what any group is or isn't. Remember that their job is tied to money, which is dependent upon ratings, which rely on viewership, which means that they focus on (and sensationalize) the worst in our world in order to get your attention. Look into things for yourself. You've got the internet right here!

Speaking of which:




Love is the music of life;
Compassion is
its melody.
- Don Peer ( o)==#

Twitter: @DPeer2000

Slow going

  Anne was still sick today and spent it in bed with Lady, her personal "nurse." She's a good girl and keeps an eye on Anne. She lays next to here when Anne's cold and moves away when she's hot. If she's sleeping when I come home she doesn't bark, but waits intently instead. Last week when Anne was in her office and suddenly overcome with light-headedness, Lady came and got me!
  Julie Dean gave Anne a ride to the Center Of Hope for her injection today. Thank you, Julie, from both of us. Anne couldn't have made it without you.
  The movie tonight was Little Miss Sunshine. Quite hilarious! Don't be fooled by the title, though. There's lots of adult humor in this one.
  Keep those prayers and wishes for Anne coming!
Don and Anne

Friday, August 13, 2010

not so fast

Anne was sick today. This morning was pretty rough, but it settled down. Barbie took her to get her shot and brought her home again.

All day long she's been in and out of the bathroom. The only thing she had to eat while I was at work was a yogurt cup. I fixed her an extremely light dinner of vegetable broth and toast with jam, which she was able to keep down. Then, later, she wanted a strawberry popsicle and enjoyed that.

We watched Jurrasic Park III tonight, wrapping up our anniversary movie series.

Thank you for all you do,

Don and Anne

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A long one

Anne had a long day and is pretty tired. She had some good conversations with cancer survivors today. She loves talking to them as the lift her spirits and give her more hope. She says "We're all there and we're all fighting!" One of the ladies she talked to is 91 years old and has fought multiple cancers for over 30 years. The doctors are studing her closely because she's the oldest living cancer survivor in the area! Anne tells me that she really looked spry; spunky, even!

Tonight Anne finished a DVD series that her friend Vickie had loaned her. It's called Guidado Con El Angel and it's a Latino soap opera. Not my cup of tea, so I spent the evening catching up on my tech podcasts and banging on the guitar.

Bless you all and have a good night,

Don and Anne


Oh, boy what a hectic two days. Yesterday after work we headed straight to Tiffany and JD's house. They held a little BBQ and we laughed, talked (too loudly sometimes), ate our fill and fawned over little Archer.

What a great time we had! Tiff wrangled the food with the baby in her arms like it was second nature. JD, master of the grill, whipped out the burgers and hot dogs to perfection. He even cooked our Boca burgers and veggie dogs just right! Not an easy feat to do.

After we got home, Anne, Josh and I put on some Johnny Cash and sang every song! Then Anne hit the sack and Josh and I when through one more disc of more modern Country.

No movie last night.

Tonight Anne and Josh were both napping when I got home, so we had Pizza Plus for dinner. Then we watched Fargo for a few laughs. Little did I remember how slow that movie moved along; funny, though, some parts were.

Anne went to bed and Josh and I watched Cream: Farewell Concert at Albert Hall. We both enjoyed Ginger Baker's solo in Toad. It's no wonder that Animal of the Muppets was modeled after him!

Well, I've crammed three days worth of fun into two days. So, I'm gonna hit the sack myself. G'night and God bless.

Monday, August 9, 2010

B-day party

Anne didn't sleep very well last night as the hip pain kept waking her up. She took some OTC analgesics which handled it well enough for her. I made country potatoes, eggs and (faux) sausage for breakfast.

About noon I went to work on Barbie's computer and install her new printer for her. Then I headed over to Dave's to visit.

This afternoon we went to Chucky Cheese Pizza for Joshie's birthday party. He's now 7 years old and all he can talk about it monster trucks! Hahaha... What a great time to be a kid.

We invited Tara and her friend Mary-Ann over for some music & karaoke. Josh, on bass, and I, on guitar, played Hoochie Coochie man and Bad To The Bone. Then I regaled everybody with some blues tunes and before we knew it they had to leave. Not that I'm THAT bad, but Tara had to work in the morning.

That made for a long day for Anne and she missed tonight's movie: Golden Compass.

Many thanks and blessings for all; prayers and best wishes for those traveling,

Don and Anne


Anne's new schedule has been posted

Sunday, August 8, 2010

last cruise

A fairly good day for Anne today. Some little pain, which I rubbed away. Then, Josh and I loaded up the spare drum kit and headed to the private Blues jam. Two blocks away I got a call telling me the jam had been cancelled. Grrr...

So, we diverted to Barbie's and visited a bit before she had to get ready for work. Arriving home I unloaded the kit into the garage, where I hope it will NOT stay. But, that decision I leave to a higher power.

Anne insisted that I accompany Josh and Tara to downtown Sparks for the last night of controlled cruising and to listen to some live music. Barbie had mentioned a vendor that sold huge, fried Zuccini sticks. So, we went to get some before settling down.

Nobody else seemed to want any (imagine that!) so Tara and the kids took off while Josh and I watched the old cars go by, alas, too far away to hear the band. After a while Tara returned and we spent the last few minutes looking at cars with Joshie.

Josh told me the vendors were closing, and I picked up a final basket of Zucc's for Anne before we headed home. Boy, did she love getting them and got out the Ranch dressing as she dove right in. Yummm...

Movie tonight: Constantine - Anne hit the sack so it was Josh's choice and he picked a great one! The untimate Good vs Evil battle with the big baddy, himself, making an appearance.

Thank you for all your prayers,

Don and Anne

Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
- Don Peer ( o)==#

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A nice visit

We went over to see Hannah today. What a cutie! Ask her if she wants some juice and she shakes her head. Not just a little... she gets the head-banging going on! Hahaha...

Jake is getting so big; he starts middle school next year. I asked him if he's been playing anything and he said he wants to play drums. So, of course, I invited them over next week after Josh gets back into town. He on drums and I on bass. We'll be the rhythm section for Josh and Anthony! Hand the ladies some bongos, tamborines & maracas and we be jammin'!!!

Cory and Anthony are such great hosts; stories told and laughter ensued! She and Anne chatted while Anthony showed off his "man cave" to Josh and I. He's converted the garage and carpeted it, covered the walls with posters and carpeted the floor. Three TVs, an audio system and refrigerator complete the atmosphere.

Dinner at Chile's was disappointing. I wanted an Awsome Blossom with that great dipping souce, but they don't make them any more. So I settled for soup and salad. Anne had three sides and Josh ordered steak and baby back ribs. (is it me or should they change what they call that?) Anne helped me eat two salads and soups and I was over full, again. I think I'm seeing a trend here... better stop before I hit 250 again!

Movie tonight: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. This is one of Josh's favorites and it's been so long since I'd seen it, it was like watching it for the first time. A nice adventure where the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad (good wins, of course!)

Have a good weekend and bless you and yours,

Don and Anne

Friday, August 6, 2010




Anne came home from the doctor today with wonderful news: the tumor has shrunk to one-half it's original size! We are so happy!!!

If ever there was proof that prayers, well wishes and good thoughts had a powerful effect on a person, this is it. And we owe it all to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The doctor said that it's done so well that she's going straight into radiation after this next cycle of chemo, then surgery and we'll be past this thing.

Keep up the good work, everyone. This was a major hurdle, but we're not done yet.
God bless you and keep you,

No movie tonight. Instead we went downtown Sparks
to watch the Hot August Nights controlled cruise.


Just a normal day at the Peer household. Last night Jennifer came by late to visit and I prodded them into adding to Anthony's fractured story on Facebook.

Anne had a little bit of pain this morning, but it didn't last. Tonight I took her and Josh out to dinner at Murietta's to celebrate her success! She ordered the Chile Relleno/Cheese Enchilada combo plate and Josh had a steak burrito. I ordered the vegetable Fajitas w/ corn tortillas. I usually get flour, but was feeling adventurous!

Two margaritas & a full tummy later and I drove the back way home. (We were only a couple of blocks away) Then I laid down for a nap. The combination of staying up late with Josh and a bit of alchohol put me in a VERY relaxed mood. Zzzz...

Josh called in the middle of my snooze and told my unconscience brain that he wanted to me to let him know when I awoke so that we could go the a Blues jam. Anne woke me just before 10 and I thought I'd dreamed talking to Josh until she asked who had called on the cell. The only thing I remembered was that it was Josh! Oh, well. Sorry, Son.

Keep those prayers on the front burner,

Don and Anne

Monday, August 2, 2010

Not bad

A fairly good day for Anne, today. Some pain, but a hydrocodone was able to dull it sufficiently.

As I mentioned yesterday, we went to see Inception the afternoon. What a great sci-fi movie! The wierdness of dreams mixed with the tension of espionage. Oh, and some of the coolest fighting sequences I've ever seen in a film! No spoilers, but as you might imagine they take full advantage of the malleability of reality in the sub-conscience.

The story was outstanding and the suspense was perfect right up to the end. We loved it! Don't wait. Go see it on the big screen.

While in the movie I received a couple of calls and a text. Once we got settled in at Red Robin (I don't phone or text while driving) I found it was Jaz and she wanted to see us. So we went and picked up her and Joshie after lunch. Then we stopped at Walmart on the way home because she needed an MP3 player. (Hmmm... ulterior motives?)

Jaz was short the tax money, so I coughed up like a good grandpa should. Then, once we go home and put Anne down for a nap, Jaz and Joshie got to help out on "poop patrol" as pay-back! They mastered the Pooper-Scooper in no time and soon the yard was clear enough for mowing. Then I let Jaz sync her MP3 player on the "guest" machine while Joshie and I played the drums and Lady barked in accompaniment.

Keep the love flowing,

Don and Anne