Friday, August 27, 2010

Artistic night

Anne was tired today and after dinner she laid down for a "power nap." This is something that we learned happens in company executive offices and is a great way to quickly re-energize. 20-30 minutes (longer if you can get it) puts some juice in the batteries and carries your through the afternoon.

In this case, it was an art show we attended. The artist is a friend of ours named Gilbert Leiker. This was a showing of his black & white, mostly pen on paper work, although there was an interesting canvas piece and a torso in the the corner. All of it tied together by a common story line which he created having to do with the supreme commander of space. Very far out, if you'll excuse the old-school colloquialism.

There was, also, some musicians with interesting (in one case, homemade) instruments. What little we heard was very avant garde, but we had to go as the volume was more than Anne could handle. Something else that the chemo has put askew!

After that we just came home and spent some quiet time before hitting the sack so, no movie tonight.

Mucho bless-o!

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