Monday, August 16, 2010

There and back

Lujean and her children took Anne to the back doctor. Anne was very impressed with how quietly they sat there drawing and reading! The doctor said that the injections shouldn't be causing the pain she's been experiencing. He did an X-ray to see if she had a fracture, but she does not. He ordered an MRI to get a better view of what might be going on with her lower back.

Then they went to the infusion center for her injection, dressing change and PICC line flush. When she came out, the kids were all excited about all the different art work in the cancer center. There's one lady who does pictures of flower, but she actually uses her body in a time-delayed photograph. When you first look at the image you see the flowers, but as you look closer you see that it's actually her hands or arms, etc.

For lunch Anne took them all to Port-Of-Subs, which the children love. Then Lujean brought Anne home where she and Lady took a nap. (anyone see a pattern here? LOL)

She received a call from her sub, who is a retired ESL teacher. This made Anne very happy, knowing that a specialist was going to be her replacement.

Then, while Anne was doing her school email tonight, we got a delivery: a beautiful bouquet of Chrysanthemums from her friend, Marge, with a nice card! Marge is the favorite substitute teacher at Lena Juniper and would have been a shoe-in for Anne's replacement. But, since this is a long term sub (up to February), the ESL office and the principal chose not to use her. But, instead, sent a teacher with ESL experience and who was up on their requirements for NCLB.

The movie tonight: wedding pictures on DVD from Ben and Tatiana's wedding at Oheka Castle on Long Island.

Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
- Don Peer ( o)==#

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