Sunday, October 24, 2010

Of the things I've lost,

... I miss my mind the most!
 Anne and I slept in a bit later this morning than I wanted to. But, the bed was so warm and the heat doesn't come on until 9:00. So, snuggle down under the covers and go back to sleep! Then, once we did get up, we ate our Belgium waffles with boysenberry syrup, we checked the calendar and discussed the day.
  She had a luncheon scheduled and I planned to meet Dan at Anchor Auctions while she did that. They had several nice guitars and I had my eye on a Fender Stratacoustic that I'd hoped to snag. But when the bidding approached average used prices I dropped out.
 Afterwards, I headed down to Guitar Center for a sale they were having in order to pick up a better tuner for Shane. They had the Guitar Professor on sale for $5! This unit not only has a tuner in it, but also contains a dictionary of guitar chords. A great learning tool for any beginner.
 But I'm getting ahead of myself here... What actually happened is that as I entered the parking lot I spotted the Nevada Humane Society signs in front of Pet Smart beckoning me inside for their adoption clinic. They had several nice dogs, but most of the were medium or large dogs and we wanted something smaller than Lady.
 Heading to the back of the store where the NHS table was (and the cats) I found several Chihuahuas with the staff. Three of them were very active, with one jumping and yapping for attention. But, one of them was being held by the supervisor while talking to a lady about him. "He's 4 yrs old, quiet, walks next to you on a leash and is neutered. He doesn't have a problem with other dogs or cats, but is wary of birds."
 Thinking quickly, I wandered around the corner and down the isle out of ear-shot. I phoned Anne's cell and asked her what she thought of getting a Chihuahua? She was fine with that as it would be MUCH smaller than Lady and would't require any grooming.
 Stepping around the isle I watched as they continued to talk about the dog for several minutes. Then, when she stepped away, I approached and quickly engaged in a discussion of the dog. After a minute her asked me if I'd like to take him for a walk. "No," I replied, "I'd like to take him home." Much enthusiasm ensued and one lady remarked how she'd been disappointed that he' not been adopted last weekend.
 In the car he wriggled out of the car seat harness, so I had to attach the retractable leash and use that to buckle him in. Then, when he started whimpering, I moved him to the front seat. After pushing him back several times when he tried to get in my lap as I drove, he finally got the message and laid down.
 On the way home Anne called, all upset. We'd completely missed James' birthday party! It wasn't on the calendar and we hadn't thought of it earlier today. She'd called and explained, but she (and I) still felt terrible about it. Fortunately, Heather said that he was so busy playing with his friends, opening presents and watching the Planetarium's movie that he didn't seem to have missed us. (ouch) So they arranged to come over later with the boys to pick up our present and meet the new arrival.
  Once we arrived, El Chihuahua immediately sniffed the while house while under the watchful eyes of Lady and I. At one point he lifted his leg to mark the new territory, but I grabbed him up and we all went out back. He only tried that once more and seems to have gotten the idea that it's not acceptable. (this could be the deal breaker)
 I fixed cheese sandwiches and a pot of chili with fresh jalapeno for lunch. Shane rang the boor bell and this started Lady barking. After a few moments of uncertainty, El Chihuahua joined in. This was the first time we'd heard him bark and he wasn't very insistent. More like he was just backing up Lady.
 Shane liked the dog and thanked me for the tuner/chord thing. After he left, Anne took a nap and both dogs joined her. El Chihuahua even wanted to sleep under the covers with her! This, however, didn't fly with Anne. Later I came by and found the two pups sleeping on their backs next to her, just as happy as can be.
 When Justus and Heather arrived with the boys they, too, gave their blessings to El Chihuahua. His only draw-back seems to be what Heather said is a possible cold. He'll sneeze and cough afterwards. She told us that she had a dog that acted similarly which her vet said was a cold. We'll call the NHS clinic Monday if it doesn't start to clear up. Otherwise, we are now a family of four!
 Love is one thing that increases when you give it away,
Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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