Monday, March 7, 2011

Anne, day 13

 This past week has been the best! Anne has had visitors nearly every day and culminated with a veritable parade of guests on Saturday. Each and every one brought her such joy! Thank you all. Hopefully, you have watched as the walls of her room slowly disappear under the covering of cards from well-wishers everywhere.
 Lady visited her mom, again, today. We went in this morning and stayed all day. Lady curled up on the foot of the bed and didn't get down unless asked. We even left the door open for a little air circulation and I kept a close eye on Lady lest she make a dash for the hallway. But, this never happened. She was content to just be close to Anne and watched as the staff and curious passers-by gazed in amazement.
 Anne's strength is returning quite fast and she's up walking the halls two or three times a day now. Her favorite CNA is Tes, who is willing to walk with her out of the Oncology ward and even take an extra "lap" if Anne's up to it.
 The pain is fairly well managed, but when she sometimes has "breakthrough" pain where she'll need an extra pill to get it back under control. The good news is that she didn't have any morphine all day today!
 The physical therapist told Anne to stop using the railings to get in and out of bed. "You're not going to have them at home and you need to learn to do without them." This is harder than you think when your entire gut hurts whenever you move. Try it for yourself: put one hand on your abdomen so you can feel your abs when they tighten. Now try to get out of bed without using those muscles. I have to admit, that I ended up on the floor!
 Keep the encouragement for Anne coming. It really lifts her spirit,
Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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