Saturday, March 19, 2011

Anne's setbacks

 Anne has had problems with her hands ever since the surgery. She has no strength in them and there's numbness in her right hand. This severely limits what she can do for herself. Although she is able to feed herself and move around, mostly with a walker, she cannot dress herself or care for her ostomies.
 When her OT noticed the swelling in her feet she instructed Anne to sleep with her feet above her heart and called the doctor. He asked us to come in and upon examining her ordered the veins and arteries in her limbs checked.
 Tuesday night Anne's sister, "Cheez", arrived and she's been a god-send. She got a "crash course" on Anne's care before bed time and was on her Wednesday. She took care of Anne all day Wednesday while I was at work and Anne tells me that Cheez is a "natural" nurse she did a very good job. The Home Health nurse came by today and went over things in more detail with us.
 Thursday night I couldn't drain her at 2am and had to stop because of Anne's pain. By 6am she was leaking and I was able to successfully drain her, but then had to change her clothes and strip the bed before leaving for work. I encouraged Cheez to take Anne to urgent care to look at a redness I'd spotted inside her upper arm, which turned out to be bruising from the sonogram.
 Friday morning, as I was leaving for work, I noticed that Anne had a stain on the front of her housecoat. I was nearly panicked, but she and Cheez promised that they'd get it checked out.
 Anne called me at work in a panic and said that Cheez couldn't drain her and that she was in pain and going immediately to the doctor's office. I, of course, left to meet them there.
 Doctor Lim and his PA were in surgery and she came down to drain Anne & examine her. The draining went without a problem, but she said that Anne had cellulitis around her urinary stoma. She took a picture of it with her iPhone and sent it upstairs to Dr. Lim, who was still in surgery.
 He responded that we were to keep it clean and dry, but that there was to be no more antibiotics. Probably because she'd been pumped full of them after surgery, but that's just my opinion.
 Today, Anne spent time paying bills and Skyping with her family. All of the siblings were online and Cheez was present in Anne's office for the meeting. Justus, Heather and the boys came by to meet Cheez and hung around while she went to the airport to pick up Dan.
 After Dan arrived the grandsons were delighted with the comparison of their beloved dinner, Mac & Cheese, to their new relatives: Dan & Cheez!
 As dinner was being prepared, Anne was in a lot of pain and laid down for a nap. She preferred to sleep through dinner and awoke later for a sampling together with her pain pill.
 Please continue praying for her wellness and to rid her of this new infection!
 Bless you and thank you for your support,
Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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