Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  After Anne had her treatment today she spoke with her radiation doctor and she said that it's not unusual to see elevated creatinine levels after a cisplatin treatment. In fact, most people can usually only stand to have one infusion and Anne's lucky to have been able to take two. She also said not to expect surgery this year as the body needs time to recover from the treatments she's been receiving.
 Then Anne went to her oncologist's office to see about the results of her blood work and the kidney sonogram. She wanted to know if things had improved since changing her diet and drinking more water. The receptionist told her that they'd only just gotten the sonogram back and that the doctor would call later.
 After she got home, Helen called with good news: she was feeling much better and would be coming to visit! She'd been taking vitamin C, zinc, etc. and had kicked her cold. We are very happy to hear this and are looking forward to Jane and Helen's arrival tomorrow.
 Then Anne went out to eat lunch with Yiota. She and Anne had a wonderful time getting caught up on things at school and life in general. This helped make Anne feel connected and elevated her psychological and emotional well being. Thank you for that.
 Next on the agenda was a trip to Sam's Club. Anne wanted to pick up a few items and, then, cancel our membership. It seems that they've decided to raise the yearly cost from $40 to $100. This is outrageous, especially in this economy, and we don't need them that badly. So, as is our want, we vote with our dollars, which we'll be spending elsewhere. (I predict that many others will be doing the same and that there will be second thoughts in the board room. Look for a big push to get customers back in the near future!)
 Anne spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for the oncologist's office to call. I arrived home late after being stuck on site with a customer until 6:00. They are a non-profit and one of my bosses is on the board there. So, I'm more than willing to do whatever it takes to deal with their computer issues. (and they had several of them today!)
 No movie tonight. Anne was watching the election returns and I joined her after dinner. She was happy that Sharon Angle did not get elected. From what I've seen on national TV, most of the country was worried about that race. Now everybody can sleep better tonight.
 Keep your loved ones wrapped in the blanket of your love and send those prayers and good thoughts to Anne,

Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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