Friday, September 17, 2010

Gifts and "CaT"

  Thursday night was a bust. I was so tired that I fell asleep in my recliner shortly after Anne went to bed and didn't wake up until 4:45am! So... Let's start with yesterday, shall we?
 Thursday Anne spent the morning watching Logan and James for Heather, who was taking an orientation to become a substitute teacher! After getting James off to school Anne sat down with Logan to do all of his work. He is currently taking an online home-schooling course.
 Around noon Anne went to the dentist. They got her into the chair and then told her that they couldn't clean her teeth because of her chemo-therapy. Because of the depleted condition of her immune system, they didn't want to "knock loose" any of the plaque and possibly make her sick.
 Shortly after getting home she received a visit from Sue, who brought all kinds of gifts with her. Anne's co-workers had put together a HUGE basket of books, magazines, videos, CDs, candy, tea and cookies. This was so unexpected that Anne cried with joy!
 Later that night Anne chatted on the phone with Emily and, then, with Jenn. As you probably know, this took up most of the evening.
 No video (too tired).

 Friday Anne went for her CT ("CaT") scan. While there she received her fist, and only, tattoos! I never thought I'd see the day when my Girlfriend would be wearing a tattoo. But, I can take solace in knowing that I'll be the only one that ever sees them. The radiologist uses these three points to triangulate on the tumor for her radiation treatments and it's part of why the Tomotherapy is so much better than the old "point and shoot" way.
 When Anne returned home this afternoon there was a message from Julie, who's been out of town for nearly a month dealing with the aftermath of her father's death. Anne spent a while on the phone getting caught up with her until the fatigue started hitting her and she had to lay down.
 After a nap with Lady, Anne started dinner: Sweet potatoes and fried cabbage! We'd had fried cabbage before, but didn't have any idea what went in it. So, she had gone online to look up the recipe and when I arrived home she'd whipped it out like it was nothing. But, it WAS delicious and, on top of that, it's a cruciferous vegetable! Good food for preventing or helping in the fight against cancer.
 Following dinner, it was I who took the nap today! Anne woke me up later and asked if I'd help with the peppers. Every year she buys a bunch of bell peppers of various colors and we dice them and put them in the freezer. Then, for the rest of the year,  we have them available for cooking and put them in nearly everything we eat!
 No movie tonight. Watched 20/20 and Dateline instead...

 Blessings and wishes for joy to you and yours,
Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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