Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Still stressed

 Anne's infusion went well. Barbie took her and they arrived early. This worked out well because the nurses got to her a bit sooner and they were out of there by 11:30. She has, however, developed a small sore in her mouth. The nurses ask her at every infusion if she gotten these and today she told them she had. Their recommendation is to rinse with a solution of salt and baking soda.
 Does anyone know why chemo patients get these? It must be fairly common, as they're always asking about it. Is this a direct reaction to the chemo or is her immune system down so low that this may be some sort of infection? Also, is rinsing the best antidote? She wants to avoid antibiotics if at all possible, but will go there if necessary.
 Anne still hasn't heard from her back doctor about the MRI results. No news is good new, though. Right? We figure that if there was a herniated disk, cracked vertebrae or other anomaly they would have wanted her in for treatment of some sort. Or at least further testing. But, as it stands, she has an appointment for the 15th to see him again and I'll update everyone once we have more information.
 On top of everything else, Anne is still stressing about the situation at her school. The sub that the principal hired has an ESL education certification (as expected of a sub for an ESL teacher) and the assistant is, of course, not a teacher. Neither one have the Elementary Education credential a classroom teacher needs. Yet, they are being told that they are both going to be teaching classes of core curriculum!
 After our nightly ritual of Chai tea I encouraged her to let it go, at least for the night. There's nothing that can be done right now and any emails, phone calls, etc. can't be dealt with until the morning. So she went to bed early to read her book until she fell asleep. I really wish that she was out of that school and working somewhere that she was appreciated!
 No movie tonight. Anne spent several hours on the computer, instead.

Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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