Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Something ain't right

  Monday: I went to work while Anne went to get her mammogram. Then she came home to relax and read her book (napping included).
 After work we went to dinner at the Genghis Grill ( with Tara. I mixed up some sweet & sour tofu over brown rice; Anne had a bowl of her favorite veggies with udon noodles; Tara stuck with shrimp, veggies and steamed rice. Delicious!
 Then, back at the house, I helped her put some new music on her MP3 player. She'll listen to a sampling of something and I'll say "It all sounds the same to me." We all laugh because, as you know, that' what our parents used to say about our music! Hahaha...
 It's really funny when, later, I've forgotten about this and go to the Amazon music page. They'll have "recommendations" for me that include Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Black-eyed Peas and other urban music! Lord, just let me find some classic Chicago Blues in here somewhere and I'll be fine.

 Tuesday night Anne had trouble sleeping. Later she confided that she had been worried about one of the kids all night long. When the phone rang it was Heather calling to inform us that Justus is in the hospital with an appendicitis! He had struggled all night with pain until about 5am when he'd awakened Heather to take him to the hospital. Once in the emergency room the nurse wouldn't give him any pain medication until they'd filled out all the paperwork! Fortunately, there was a male nurse that was more attentive.
 Still, he laid there for hours and hours waiting for them to do something for him. At one point the pain increased and he became nauseous. Finally, about 1pm, they removed his appendix, which had burst while being ignored in the ER!
 Up in the room, the doctor said that he'd be there a day or two. Later, a nurse said that she wouldn't be surprised if he went home tomorrow. I guess it depends on how he recovers and whether or not there are any repercussions from the rupture.
 Say a prayer for Justus' quick recovery,
Don and Anne
Love is the music of life;
Compassion is its melody.
  - Don Peer ( o)==#

Posted via email from Don Peer

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